
Meet Jenifer, a self-described epilepsy awareness advocate who maintains her own dedicated Facebook page to share her unique personal insight into living with the condition.

Jenifer, what is a normal day in your life?

"I'm seizure free at the moment, so a day in my life generally would consist of waking up, taking my medication, having a healthy lifestyle, and lots of sleep.


Generally, I live a normal life - as anyone else would."



What type of epilepsy do you live with?

"I have generalised epilepsy, I have tonic and clonic seizures, which are compulsive seizures."



What aspects of your life has epilepsy affected?

"As a child, I was diagnosed quite young when I was 10 years old. I found that it affected my social life. It was very isolated and hard for me to make friends and interact socially. As an adult, I am now in my early 30's. It's affected me when I'd been unable to drive - that has been difficult to get around. Other than that, it's not made a huge impact.


I am now driving and I am now seizure free, so that has been easier; but yeah, I have experienced impacts."



What is the most common misconception that people have of your condition?

"I feel as though a lot of people in the community think that epilepsy is rare; it is actually very common. I also believe that a lot of people think there's only one type of seizures, where there is actually many different seizure types."



What would you like the general public to most understand about living with epilepsy?

"That epilepsy is not actually rare, it's quite common. There is not just one type of seizure, but there are many types of seizures.


So I think that it is very important that people know that, and also that there are people in the local community that can offer you support and understand exactly what you are going through - because they have experienced it themselves."



How would Purple Laces Month benefit you or anyone with epilepsy?

"I think it's really important. The funds from the sale of Purple Laces can help with seminars and things like that, so it's really important that we raise them in order to do more in the community to raise awareness."



How important do you feel Epilepsy WA is in supporting people living with epilepsy here in this state?

"[The support groups are] very important to me. I feel as though it's a good way for people with epilepsy to connect with other people with epilepsy. People like them can relate with me and the community, and understand really what we are going through.


Also, I feel that it's important to have an association in every state. Epilepsy WA is a go-to place: you know that you're going to have support, accurate information, and answers to any questions that you might need. There's many available resources which is fantastic, and we can do more working together to raise community awareness."



Are there any other comments that you would like to make?

"I feel as though the community in the way of awareness is doing really well. It's come a long way from where epilepsy was ten years ago - or even twenty years ago when I was diagnosed.


People are becoming more educated and more aware about epilepsy, which I think is fantastic."

Thank you for your support!


For more information, visit the official Epilepsy WA website here.


Follow the Epilepsy WA Facebook page here.