Due to circumstances beyond our control, The Amazing Lace will no longer be going ahead.


However, in the process, we have been greatly appreciative of the great level of community support received for the cause of epilepsy awareness!


Together with you, we have been able to shape more positive community attitudes towards epilepsy and destigmatise this oft-misunderstood condition.



Best of all, you can still support Epilepsy WA today by keeping in touch with Purple Laces Month!

  1. Purchase a pair of Purple Laces today for just $5 a pair
  2. Read inspirational #storiesofepilepsy, featuring real testimonials from passionate Western Australians either living with epilepsy or who are invested in the issue
  3. Make a tax-deductible donation to Epilepsy WA via everydayhero



We will be back bigger and better next year, so stay tuned! For more updates, follow the Epilepsy WA Facebook page.

Thank you for your support!


For more information, visit the official Epilepsy WA website here.


Follow the Epilepsy WA Facebook page here.